#FFDA61 #FFC361 bg_gr bg_gr sunset Midnight Blue Blue Golden Ratio 6 Golden Ratio Palette - #DA9E00 #FFB900 #F1AC00 rainbow2 rainbow Login Template Login Template behi aaa kepi1 #CF8000 at 38% #EECF9E and 62% #EEB961 #FFDA9E - #FFC361 gradient. FF9E00 at 38% to 62% opacity. Linear. Golden Gradient 7 Golden Gradient 6 Mostly Black lovely blendness zz Yetis to the fleet es Yetis to the fleet es Yffuhtuh e Gold with a 1.382 ratio 2. Circle centered. #FFD361 to #ETC361 Golden Gradient #FFDA9E - #FFC361 gradient. FF9E00 at 38% to 62% opacity. Golden Gradient 5 Previous 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 ...187