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background-image: radial-gradient( circle farthest-corner at 3.5% 10%, rgba(243,22,54,1) 1.1%, rgba(245,244,244,1) 1.2%, rgba(245,244,244,1) 1.3%, rgba(245,244,244,1) 1.3%, rgba(238,235,235,1) 5.8%, rgba(50,179,221,1) 8.8%, rgba(245,244,244,1) 12.1%, rgba(15,136,175,1) 16.3%, rgba(240,239,239,1) 20.8%, rgba(8,85,109,1) 25.8%, rgba(240,237,237,1) 28.8%, rgba(112,127,212,1) 31.7%, rgba(245,244,244,1) 34.7%, rgba(53,77,212,1) 37.5%, rgba(245,244,244,1) 40.2%, rgba(24,47,174,1) 44.1%, rgba(245,244,244,1) 48.1%, rgba(17,37,150,1) 50.8%, rgba(118,65,217,1) 55.9%, rgba(93,32,207,1) 60.3%, rgba(73,21,174,1) 64.5%, rgba(59,13,146,1) 69.2%, rgba(35,3,95,1) 75%, rgba(220,156,94,1) 78.6%, rgba(209,116,24,1) 81.8%, rgba(167,88,10,1) 84.8%, rgba(10,125,177,1) 87.6%, #7b22e4 90% );
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