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background-image: radial-gradient( circle farthest-corner at 10% 20%, #298b63 0%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 8.8%, rgba(175,248,235,1) 13.5%, rgba(204,241,179,1) 15.7%, rgba(175,248,235,1) 20.5%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 22.9%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 26.9%, rgba(175,248,235,1) 28.1%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 29.2%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 30.6%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 34.7%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 35.9%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 39%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 44%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 44.2%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 46.4%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 50.1%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 51.7%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 52.8%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 53%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 53.2%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 53.5%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 54.6%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 55.2%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 62.6%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 66.7%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 74.2%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 76.1%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 79%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 79.6%, rgba(198,220,183,1) 81.8%, #5e5c74 90% );
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