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3 years ago
Gradient Linear test 20 colors
background-image: linear-gradient( 70.2deg, #39d912 2.1%, rgba(0,204,255,1) 8.4%, rgba(248,201,213,1) 12.3%, rgba(246,248,249,1) 15.2%, rgba(186,229,240,1) 18.3%, rgba(88,184,97,1) 22.2%, rgba(228,84,99,1) 27.6%, rgba(154,70,139,1) 32.7%, rgba(75,73,133,1) 38.9%, rgba(193,193,117,1) 43.1%, rgba(136,207,225,1) 47.9%, rgba(200,182,251,1) 53.5%, rgba(241,250,195,1) 57.4%, rgba(198,242,253,1) 62.1%, rgba(246,255,0,1) 67.2%, rgba(252,199,252,1) 72.7%, rgba(184,238,174,1) 78.7%, rgba(0,12,255,1) 84.1%, rgba(242,166,218,1) 91.1%, rgba(202,243,253,1) 97.7% );
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