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3 years ago
Gradient Radial 15 colors
background-image: radial-gradient( circle 906px at 2.7% 95.3%, #0331ba 0%, rgba(222,195,19,1) 8.5%, rgba(0,204,255,1) 15.3%, rgba(251,92,122,1) 22.4%, rgba(117,182,94,1) 28.4%, rgba(198,220,226,1) 34.9%, rgba(129,72,179,1) 42.2%, rgba(243,61,76,1) 48%, rgba(104,193,130,1) 53.7%, rgba(169,89,197,1) 59.9%, rgba(251,224,143,1) 67.3%, rgba(250,253,189,1) 74.4%, rgba(201,253,188,1) 83.6%, rgba(122,103,58,1) 90%, rgba(253,233,253,1) 96.7% );
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